After a thorough intake that explores health imbalances and a gentle diagnostic examination, Suzanna creates a custom treatment for you to insure the most effective care. Specific modalities are chosen based on treatment goals. Treatments usually include one or more types of acupuncture (Chinese - TCM, Master Tung, Dr. Tan; Japanese - Kiiko Matsumoto; Orthopedic - dry needling, innervation zone activation; or auricular/ ear) plus additional therapies, including moxibustion, cupping, k-taping, low-level laser, etc.
Acupuncture treatments include careful location and gentle insertion of extremely thin, sterile, single-use filiform needles to stimulate proper body and mental functioning. Acupuncture reduces inflammation, stimulates tissue regeneration, and promotes a sense of calm and slight euphoria. By improving and balancing Qi flow, Asian medicine builds overall health and resilience while relieving symptoms such as pain, congestion, fatigue, stress and more.